Sunday, October 20, 2013

Out for a road trip through the countryside as usual this morning, and came across this rock. Who can resist directions spray painted upon a rock?!
Drove for about ten minutes down a "road not maintained" road, (one of my favourite kinds of roads to drive down), and it ended at Larder River. There was a twisty pathway off to the East, so the dogs and I headed off to see what we could see. 
We passed moss covered rocks, felt like a rain forest with everything covered in moss and lichens hanging from the dead branches.
Walked through an area that looked like it was covered in ice pellets, but the white dots were actually very very tiny mushrooms! I have never seen anything like this before!

When the trail petered out at a small lake, I noticed that what I had gone searching for... Was right in front of me!!!    I had initially left the house this morning hoping to discover Winterberry bushes, and there they were!!!   Brought home a couple of nice branches for vases in the house.

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