Sunday, October 27, 2013

So this weekend was cold and rainy, so I decided to do a little painting.... In the living room. Here is a before picture...

And here is the after picture!   One "accent" wall painted "Purple Haze"   Was maybe hoping for a bit less purple, more haze... But I like it.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Listening to the new John Mayer album, "Paradise Valley" right now.    Would be great to listen to while driving down gravel country roads.  Who knows? It just might happen this weekend....

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Out for a road trip through the countryside as usual this morning, and came across this rock. Who can resist directions spray painted upon a rock?!
Drove for about ten minutes down a "road not maintained" road, (one of my favourite kinds of roads to drive down), and it ended at Larder River. There was a twisty pathway off to the East, so the dogs and I headed off to see what we could see. 
We passed moss covered rocks, felt like a rain forest with everything covered in moss and lichens hanging from the dead branches.
Walked through an area that looked like it was covered in ice pellets, but the white dots were actually very very tiny mushrooms! I have never seen anything like this before!

When the trail petered out at a small lake, I noticed that what I had gone searching for... Was right in front of me!!!    I had initially left the house this morning hoping to discover Winterberry bushes, and there they were!!!   Brought home a couple of nice branches for vases in the house.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Bargin find of the day

Find of the day! A necklace at the local consignment shop! And.... It was half price!  (4$ if anyone is keeping track!)

Back out to "my rock" this morning. Chased the rain away and had about an hour to walk.

Gorgeous fall colours. Searched for the wild hazelnuts that I had seen in the summer. They remained elusive, have to bring a roll of flagging tape next summer! 

Highbush Cranberries.  Wild bird species count today.... About 7. Trying to get close enough to a large hawk to see some identifying marks.. But he is too fast for me! Maybe it will be there next weekend?

Lil' Sadie racing through the field. She loves the country!  Should get her into agility classes, she can leap into the back of the CRV from 6' away! 

Thanksgiving Weekend

Took my mom to the marsh for her first visit. Loved the boardwalk through the swamp.
The colours were so nice! The temperature was almost too warm for us to keep our coats on. No Mosquitos though!

Actually have a picture of myself to share!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Some Thanksgiving decorations around the house.

Wooden bowl full of gourds. 

Feeling Thankful this Thanksgiving weekend.

I stopped at the lake on the way to work Friday morning. The fog was just burning off.
Wabi Bay. I don't want to go to work today!!! I want to go boating!

Friday, October 11, 2013

I will be spending time getting the garden ready for winter this weekend. Will share pictures later!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

While at my rock this morning, there was something makings noise that reminded me of a laughing monkey! When I got home, I googled, bird that sounds like monkey, and found out that the Pilated Woodpecker makes the noise that I heard. Maybe that's who is responsible for these holes?  I did spot a downy woodpecker with the binoculars....   

I call these lichens, the golf tee lichens...  This was the only clump of them that I saw all morning. 
A nice fungus growing on a dead birch tree.  When I was little, my sister and I would use our fingernails to etch designs into the underside of this species. Hence the name "Artist's Conk". (Learned the name in my mushroom workshop a couple of weeks ago!)

Sorry for the lack of posts lately!!    Have just been so busy...
This morning I finally had some time to spend for myself, and I chose to spend it at one of my favourite all time secret spots. 
At "My Rock".

The Highbush Cranberries are turning a brilliant red colour.

This is the view from My Rock.

My two faithful hiking companions.

Sporting my new acquisitions!!   Loving the Bogs! Apparently rated to minus 40..    I was impressed with how well they gripped the rocks, and supported my ankles. And they are soooo cute! And... They totally match my new fall coat!